Macy’s owned a line of pots called Tools of the Trade Cookware. It was an in-store brand that was always heavily discounted. The line of pots was not moving in their stores, even when Macy’s provided consumers with high discounts. The Tools of the Trade pots were a nice, heavy pot, beautifully designed with glass lids, and our recommended strategy was to not discount this line, but to position them as a high-end brand instead. At the time, Dom Deluise had a new cookbook called “Eat This Too”. We decided to ask Dom if he would promote Macy’s line of pots since pots went with eating. He agreed, and we ran an ad campaign featuring Dom with the pots using headlines like “ Heavy Metal” and “Strong Like Bull”. The sales of Tools of the Trade went through the roof with a 302% increase in sales and Dom loved the pots.